Rep. Ken Buck's Inconsistent Voting Record Raises Questions

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) has come under additional scrutiny for his seemingly inconsistent voting record, particularly his recent vote against the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Buck’s decision has raised eyebrows, especially when compared to his previous support for the expulsion of former New York GOP Rep. George Santos. The reasons provided by Buck for these contrasting positions have left many perplexed and searching for answers.

Rep. Ken Buck (R) Colorado (CBS)

During an interview with CBS in November 2023, Buck expressed his belief that George Santos lacked the character to serve in Congress and predicted his imminent expulsion.

This statement is intriguing and reveals a certain standard of character that Buck believes should be upheld by members of Congress. However, when it comes to the impeachment of Mayorkas, Buck's stance seems to deviate from this standard.

If character is indeed the barometer for expulsion, then it should also apply to the impeachment of Mayorkas. The allegations against Mayorkas raise questions about his character and whether he is fit for the office he holds.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. (X)

For instance, Mayorkas repeatedly claimed that the border was secure during his tenure, a claim that was contradicted by President Joe Biden himself. This raises concerns about Mayorkas deceiving the country and undermines his credibility.

Furthermore, Mayorkas faced accusations of perjury during congressional testimony regarding the border crisis. Such a serious allegation, if committed by an ordinary citizen, would carry severe consequences.

Yet, Buck seemed to overlook these character concerns when it came to Mayorkas.


The need for accountability in government is essential, especially when it comes to officials failing to fulfill their duties. Impeaching Mayorkas would have held the Biden administration accountable for its failures in protecting the nation's borders.

The question remains as to why Ken Buck, along with other Republicans who voted against impeachment, opposed this crucial accountability.

The inconsistencies in Rep. Ken Buck's voting record continue to raise concerns among conservatives who expect consistency and adherence to principles.

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