Colorado Legislature Aims to Limit Teen Social Media Use and Raise Awareness of its Dangers

Written by: Howard Beale

A bill designed to address the growing concerns surrounding excessive social media use among Colorado teenagers and its negative impact on mental health is currently advancing through committee.

House Bill 24-1136, titled "Healthier Social Media Use by Youth," aims to educate students and parents about the potential dangers of social media and promote healthier habits.

Under this proposed legislation, social media platforms would be required to display pop-up warnings and establish a resource bank for schools, students, and families regarding the mental health implications of prolonged social media use. State Democrats have advocated for this measure, emphasizing the need to address the mental health concerns associated with excessive online engagement.


The pop-up warnings outlined in the bill would specifically target users under the age of 18 who spend extended periods on social media platforms. By implementing these warnings, the aim is to provide users and their parents with a reminder of the potential risks and encourage responsible and moderate usage.

Additionally, the bill proposes the creation of a resource bank that would contain evidence-based research and informative materials related to the mental health effects of social media use. This resource would assist schools, students, and families in understanding the potential dangers and equipping them with the necessary knowledge to navigate the online world safely.


According to recent statistics, the negative effects of excessive social media use among Colorado teenagers are becoming increasingly apparent. Studies have revealed that prolonged exposure to social media platforms can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem among young users.

Additionally, it has been observed that excessive screen time can hinder healthy social interactions and negatively impact academic performance.

House Bill 24-1136 will now proceed to the Senate Appropriations Committee for further review and consideration.

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