Colorado Democrats Devalue Life Again, Table Bill Defining Embryos as People

Written by: Marianne Partisan

In the wake of the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that legally recognizes frozen embryos created through in vitro fertilization as children, the issue has sparked a nationwide conversation.

Colorado, too, became a focal point for this discussion when House Bill 24-1224, titled "Personhood of Living Unborn Human Child," was introduced on February 8. The bill, sponsored by Republican Rep. Scott Bottoms from El Paso County, sought to define a "person" as a living unborn human child at any stage of development, from fertilization to birth.


HB24-1224 aimed to extend the legal recognition of personhood to unborn children in relation to private rights of action and provisions regarding neglect, as well as current homicide and assault laws.

The bill also stated that any existing state law concerning prenatal neglect, homicide, assault, or abortion would be superseded if it conflicted with or was inconsistent with the proposed legislation.

Furthermore, the bill allowed for the defense of duress in cases of first-degree murder if the victim was a living unborn human child and the defendant was the child's mother. It even authorized the state to disregard any federal court decision that attempted to enjoin or void the bill and held Colorado judges accountable for impeachment or removal if they attempted to overrule or void the requirements.

The bill's purpose was to establish that a living person includes an unborn child at any stage of development, including those conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

MUST SEE:  Satirical testimony given before Democrat majority committee that would eventually table HB24-1224. Wait until the end for the Democrat chair to weigh-in. Awesome job by @ScottNicoleShow.

However, on March 4, the bill was tabled indefinitely by an 8-3 vote from the State, Civic, Military, and Veterans Affairs committee.

In response to the tabling of the bill, Democratic state Rep. Jenny Willford from Adams County stated in a press release, "Abortion and IVF treatments are safe, legal, and protected in Colorado – we will not let Republicans legislate away our fundamental rights."

This statement reflects a concerning disregard for the value of life and a refusal to acknowledge the inherent personhood of unborn children.

While decisions regarding IVF treatment continue to circulate throughout the nation, Democrats express worries that the recent Alabama ruling may jeopardize the practice. Consequently, they seek to protect it at the federal level. However, Republicans in Congress are currently blocking legislation aimed at safeguarding access to IVF.


The tabling of HB24-1224 by Colorado Democrats raises serious concerns about their stance on the sanctity of life. By refusing to recognize the personhood of unborn children and disregarding the potential consequences of abortion, Democrats display a devaluation of life that is deeply troubling.

As the debate continues, it is crucial to remember the importance of protecting and upholding the rights of the most vulnerable among us. The future of unborn children and the ethical considerations surrounding their existence should not be taken lightly or dismissed in the pursuit of political agendas.

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